Sunday, August 23, 2009

Useful Information

Here are some tips I found while surfing the net.

Mutes: You can use these to mute certain things in the chats. (ex. ads or logins)

!mute all -- this blocks everything below
!mute ads -- blocks the ads chat
!mute global -- blocks global chat
!mute island -- blocks island chat
!mute near -- blocks near chat
!mute here -- blocks here chat
!mute buddy -- blocks buddy chat
!mute pm -- blocks private messsages
!mute br -- blocks buddy requests
!mute socials -- blocks socials (ex. hugs, smiles)
!mute logins -- blocks logins and disconnections

Hot Keys: These are the keys on your keyboard that are F1 through F12

F1 -- no use
F2 -- no use
F3 -- no use
F4 -- no use
F5 -- exit the page
F6 -- no use
F7 -- mount/dismount your horse
F8 -- grab all objects off the ground
F9 -- no use
F10 -- no use
F11 -- full page
F12 -- activate Dorothy's Shoes (go back to ranch)

Training: These are the places where you can train your horse.

Earton, Horse Isle -- Speed
Treeton, Horse Isle -- Agility
Appleton, Horse Isle -- Strength
Hotton, Desert Isle -- Endurance
Witherton, Rider Isle -- Conformation

Selling Stuff For More: Here are the places where you can sell certain things for more than you would normally get.

Berries -- Sandra in Flipperton, Dolphin Isle -- bunches of 10 for $100
Coconuts -- Donna in Crystalton, Ice Isle -- bunches of 25 for $750
Copper -- Nicolette in Chillton, Snow Isle -- $30 for each
Dandelions -- Krista in Whiskerton, Cat Isle -- bunches of 10 for $10
Earthworms -- Davy on Loch Isle -- bunches of 10 for $400
Feathers -- Allaire in Mystic Forest, Saddle Isle -- $50 for each
Grasshoppers -- Joylyn in Treeton, Horse Isle -- $100 for each
Hay Bales -- Donna in Crystalton, Ice Isle -- bunches of 25 for $300
Lizards -- Dakota in Santon, Desert Isle -- $100 for each
Logs -- Rupert in Chillton, Snow Isle -- $100 for each
Lucky Hay -- Ruthie on Half Heaven -- $1,250 per bale
Oranges -- Charla Mae in Hotton, Desert Isle -- 7 at a time for $150
Peacock Feathers -- Allaire in Mystic Forest, Saddle Isle -- $100 for each
Red Pine Cones -- Twig in Eartip Forest, Horse Isle -- $1,000 for each
Sparkley Feathers -- Allaire in Mystic Forest, Saddle Isle -- $150 for each
Strong, Skinny Branches -- Krista in Whiskerton, Cat Isle -- bunches of 10 for $10