Location: Jungle Isle
Things Needed:
Reward: $13,000 and 300 quest points
When you talk to Cookie in her treehouse on Jungle Isle
She tells you that she wants to make banana pudding, but that she is out of bananas. To get the bananas you need to go see her sister Cupcake who lives at the bottom of Jungle Isle.
When you get to Cupcake and tell her about Cookie, she explains that monkeys came to her house the night before and stole all her bananas. Then she tells you that you might be able to find them if you find the monkeys. To find them, go to a big rock pile south of her house.
Where my person is at that's where the bananas are. Just use the magnifying glass.
Once you find the bananas take them back to Cupcake and she will let you keep the bananas and will hand you a letter and $250 to take back to Cookie. Once you are at Cookie's house, give the bananas and letter to her. Then she will tell you that she is out of milk and ask you to get 4 glasses of milk from her other sister Cinnamon.
When you get the milk from Cinnamon go and talk to Cookie and you're done!
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