Location: Treeton, Horse Isle
Things Needed:
Reward: $10,000 and 50 quest points
First, you need to go talk to Vianca in Treeton. She lives in the red circle shown below.
You must answer all the questions she asks correctly. Here are the answers:
First Question: What color is the ads chat?
Answer = Purple
Second Question: Who are the two creators of Horse Isle?
Answer = Joe and Miranda
Third Question: Where do you go to groom your horses?
Answer = Trim
Fourth Question: What stats is Racing based on?
Answer = Speed and Endurance
Fifth Question: What are moderators for?
Answer = Making sure everyone plays nicely by the rules
Sixth Question: Where can you find Non-Player Characters?
Answer = Library
Seventh Question: Where can you catch a horse?
Answer = Anywhere but in towns and on Cloud Isle
Eighth Question: How can you get around in the game?
Answer = All of the above
Ninth Question: Which of these isles is the farthest North?
Answer = Pirate
Tenth Question: Which of these can you NOT train a horse in?
Answer = Intelligence
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