Location: Cantle Meadows, Saddle Isle
Things Needed: 1 Black feather, 1 Blueberry, 1 Blackberry, 1 Apple, 1 Orange, 1 Grasshopper, 1 Mushroom, 1 Coconut, 1 Candy Cane, 1 Dandelion, 1 Thimbleberry
Reward: $3,500 and 300 quest points
Go talk to Dieter on Saddle Isle and he'll ask you to go on a scavenger hunt.
He will tell you riddles and you'll need to figure out what he means by them. But to save you the trouble I'll just give you the answers.
Birds of a ___ flock together: 1 Small, black feather
Which two berries got beat up? Blueberry and Blackberry
What is a treatment for the doctor? Apple
You cannot use my name in a rhyming poem because nothing rhymes with me: Orange
I am a little green fiddler that plays at night: Grasshopper
My name could be mistaken for a squishy, four-walled box: Mushroom
I am someone that really likes chocolate: Coconut
What does a gingerbread man use when he gets old? Candy Cane
I am a sharply dressed feline, typically in yellow: Dandelion
Don't try and sew with me or I'll go squish: Thimbleberry
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